Saturday, January 8, 2022

PWInsider gets OWNED For Getting Kimber Lee Firing Wrong (Try Getting The Facts Next Time, Okay? Morons)

Talk about getting publicly OWNED because you knowingly got a story wrong, LMAO! 

At least here at Wrestling Past And Present? You'll never see that kind of shit happen because WE, get the facts straight before report something.

Something the staff at PWInsider might want to consider doing since this is the SECOND TIME, they've been busted out in public for "ASSuming" or 'speculating' instead of truly doing the research.

Back on December 28th they got caught getting it wrong about Jimmy Wang Yang's 'firing' from WWE and Yang 'checked' Mike Johnson on that lie. A story we covered here.

Two of Impact Wrestling’s Knockouts, Kimber Lee and Brandi Lauren, had departed from the company, according to PWInsider.

But suddenly Kimber Lee puts whoever the dumb fuck was that wrote that story in their place, as you see above. 

You notice, that NOBODY over at PWInsider has come out and admitted they got the story wrong? NOBODY there wants to admit they fucked up?

Guess they're too embarrassed to after they get publicly shamed. I guess admitting you were wrong would take balls, something nobody seems to have over at PWInsider.

But hey, Mike Johnson, Dave Scherer, Paul Jordan, etc. keep up that 'top notch' reporting. LOL. Always nice to see you get publicly put in your place. 

At least we know that'll never happen to any staff member here at WP&P. (smiles)

Fuck ups from guys like them just enhance our reputation for getting it right.

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