Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Shane Taylor Interview: Says ROH Did Not Want To Market His Stable

 Shane Taylor recently talked with Busted Open Radio ahead of Final Battle: End Of An Era this weekend. With the company about to go on hiatus, he spoke about where his future could be.

“Where we could make the most money, you’re looking at a place like WWE or AEW, potentially,” he said. “They’ve got the billionaires to back them up, that’s where probably most of the money is going to be made. Now, where the best fit is, I’m looking at places like Impact, the NWA, MLW, places that I know we are going to be able to have creative freedom. Where we’re going to be able to have the platform to push the envelope, push the boundaries, be controversial, be who we are, be true to ourselves, and be surrounded by incredible talent.”

Shane Taylor also admitted that if he would have kissed ass more, he could have been a World Champion. However, he is now excited about what is next.

“If I was someone that, and maybe this doesn’t help save ROH. But if I was someone who just went with the flow and was a company guy and kissed the right ass and did all the stuff that people are rewarded for doing, I am sure in time you would have seen me, ROH would have been even crazier. There’s no doubt in my mind that I would have been World Champion. But, that’s just not who I am. So now here we are, and the best-kept secret in pro wrestling is going to find its way to someone else’s platform and we are absolutely going to show out. I can’t wait, the fans are excited.”

Shane Taylor also admitted that he doesn’t think the company ever understood him or his group. He revealed that the company originally didn’t want to market them.

“No, not at all. For a lot of the reasons that you stated previously, right? We are a strong black proud group, we are for everyone, this isn’t saying we are anti anybody, because we are not. We are for everyone,” Taylor admitted. “But we aren’t for everybody. There are people who are going to hear what I say and the things that I talk about and take them as a negative, instead of a positive. There’s a lot of people who did that when this first started. They didn’t want to market it, they didn’t want to promote it. They hated the idea, they thought it was bad for the company. This is not rumor, this is not hearsay, this is what I was told. Two years later, we have turned that around.”

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