Saturday, November 13, 2021

Wrestling Past And Present Has Now Been BANNED From Facebook ROFLMAO- Thanks Facebook LMAO! (Updated 11-16-21 @ 12:00 PM)

 We here at Wrestling Past And Present would like to thank Facebook. 

Thank you for getting a post that had a link to a story here on our site wrong, thank you for admitting you got it wrong but still continued to keep a staff member of this site on a 30 day ban, knowing you admitted you 'got it wrong'. Thank you for when you were asked, then called out about the fact you admitted you 'got it wrong' yet insist on keeping that member on a ban, instead of simply lifting the ban that shouldn't have been put in place to begin with? You decided to go ahead and 'outlaw' this site from your social media platform.

Thank you for instead of doing the logical thing and simply removing the ban, some moron who works there decided to instead make over A THOUSAND posts that plugged various stories from this site, a violation of your "Community Standards". Thank you for showing that some dumb ass actually went thru the process of making each and every one of those 1000 plus posts a violation of those standards. Thank you for showing that whatever fucking idiot did that, actually did MORE WORK to do that, than it would've taken or required to just simply remove the ban that was incorrectly put in place, in the first place. 

You know how fucking stupid this sounds, right? But yet this, is how stupid people running Facebook have become. 

They really have no clue that by doing what they've done, not only do THEY, look like fucking idiots, but now... They've gone and enhanced THIS SITE's reputation. 

We are the site that's too hot for Facebook to handle, LMAO!

Since we here at WP&P can't make this kind of silly shit up, and prove is a mother fucker.. See for yourself since we're the mother fuckers who'll always have proof.

Here's where you'll see where a post from a staff member was made, and see how Facebook admitted, they 'got it wrong'. But the staff member is STILL on a ban. 

And now because couple staff members had the 'gall' mind you, to take Facebook to task on this obvious fuck up of theirs, THIS is the response in where we're now, more than ever, considered the 'outlaw' and 'rebel' wrestling news site. 

There's the stupidity of someone at Facebook, thinking they actually 'accomplished something good' when imn fact you just helped make this site even MORE well known.. because unlike 'other wrestling news sites', we truly tell it like it is and have the balls to put other 'wrestling writers' in their place, as we've 'checked staff members of PWInsider, Wrestling Inc and Wrestling Observer. 

The proof of that is right here, this 'Wall Of Shame" of wrestling writers who couldn't handle the fact they got 'checked' by members of this site and ran like bitches to hide behind a block. 

A 'who's who' of well known wrestling writers right here, all were 'checked', and all, acted like bitches hiding behind a block after they got 'checked'.

So since we here at Wrestling Past And present have always enjoyed the fact that WE ARE, and will always BE, the 'Outlaw" and "Rebel" wrestling news site because we don't try to milk any and every AEW and WWE story out like the other sites do, we don't have, need nor want a VIP Members only service.. We prefer to just tell it like it is and let the chips fall as they may because we have the balls to say it, like the others won't say it.

Which is why we are NOW, banned from Facebook. AAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!!

I guess according to some at FB that's supposed to be considered some sort of 'punishment'? LMAO!

NNAA, there's more than one way to plug this site and Facebook isn't the be all and end all, much like twitter isn't the be all and end all either. 

So Thanks Facebook, thank you for further enhancing the rebel and outlaw reputation this site has. Thank you for being so stupid in going thru all that energy and effort when you could've simply fixed your fuck up by lifting the ban you wrongfully put in place to begin with. 

Thank you for showing that utter and complete dipshits seem to be running things at Facebook. 

We'll continue doing things as we have for the last three years and you 'banning' us, just made our reputation even better.

So again Facebook, thanks for the props, LMAO!

Special shout out to Kellie Haulotte and Marc Middleton of Wrestlinginc. Nice to know you're regular viewers of this site. (smiles) By all means keep taking things you like here and use them 'over there'. Nice to know you have to 'come here' for stuff to use 'over there'. (smiles again).

Update!!! 11=-14-21 8:00 PM

The bitch actions of Facebook continue as they've been continuing to 'outlaw' this site from their platform.

The fact that some jackass, is actually going thru this long process of violating each and every post staff members of this site had posted on their platform is truly fucking hysterical. 

This is taking more time and effort on their part to do this, than what they really should've done when they admitted they "got it wrong' on a post and put staff members on bans.. 


Guess that's logic and common sense and 'God Forbid" someone there actually HAS common sense enough see how fucking stupid this action by them is. 

But hey, thanks again Faceboioik, all you've done is further enhance the "Outlaw" and "Rebel" reputation this siter has always had. 

So 'keep up the good work"

(Sarcastic "thumbs up")

UPDATE!! 12-16-21 12:00 PM

The stupidity of Facebook continues, every day, several times a day I getn the following, and THIS was taken literally 90 seconds ago. 

The fact that some dumb ass working at Facebook is STILL going thu thousands oif posts made by the staff here at Wrestling Past And Present and then going thru the process to make them posts a violation of their terms and condition is STILL, fucking hilarious. 

Someone sure is going thru ALOT of time and effort to retaliate against the fact we called em on the fact they admitted they 'got it wrong' but refuse to lift bans on Staff members of this website, LMAO!

And they won't even allow us to have a review of all these 'violations' either, here's proof, since proof IS a mother fucker and we're the mother fuckers who always have proof.

ALL THIS, because THEY 'got it wrong' and we called em out on theuir fuck up.

Gotta love their tenacity, LOL! 

But again, thanks Facebook, all you've done is further enhance out we're the "Outlaw" wrestling news site and we've embraced that 100%.

So thanks for furthering our great reputation, LMAO! Nice to have your endorsement. (smiles).

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