Monday, November 15, 2021

Hey Dave Meltzer, THIS Is How You Properly Hype Up An Upcoming Show (Not 'your' way)


Another example of how fucking lazy, Dave Meltzer of the Wrestling Observer is. He can't even go thru the process of showing a link OR a pic of an upcoming show in the UK featuring Tajiri. 

THIS, is Meltzer's laziness at its best. 

So since Dave's being a lazy fuck and won't put just 'a little' bit of effort to find something like, a link to the announcement, maybe? Video? SOMETHING?! I'll go ahead and show you what literally THIRTY SECONDS OF EFFORT AND RESEARCH got when i took just that much time to find something concerning this show.

LOOK,  A Facebook Page, damn Dave how'd you miss that? Here's the link to World Pro Wrestling's FB page.

And LOOK what you find when you go to that link Daveyboy? 

A video advertising the said match, DDAAMMNN Dave, your laziness has proven to be quite, fucking, pathetic.

Pretty sad when a site that's known as an "Outlaw" site can easily one up you with barely any effort needed. 

But it isn't the first time we've slapped Meltzer, and it certainly won't be the last. 

Research Dave, research CAN be your friend, if you're such such a lazy fuck. 

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