Thursday, November 4, 2021

Guess It's Amateur Night With Conrad's Clips, Again


I guess the dipshit who uploads the video clips of Conrad Thompson's shows to YouTube has no clue the difference, between a 'promo' and a match. 

Here, I'll show you, what a fucking idiot the person who uploads these clips really is.

the title says Arn calls a 'promo', BUT..  IT'S NOT A FUCKING PROMO! It's highlights of a match between Arn and Kernodle, DDUUUH, fucking dumb ass.

This isn't the first time Conrad Thompson has had obvious fuck ups with his clips, there's a whole list of examples I made, in this story right here.

Could someone please, exp[lain to whomever the dumb fuck is that uploads these things, the difference between a 'promo' and a match? it's obvious he sure needs an education in that area. 

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