Wednesday, November 24, 2021

EC3 Says He Can “Envision” Himself In AEW

As a guest on UnSKripted by Sportskeeda Wrestling, EC3 spoke about Bryan Danielson and their time together in NXT Season Four in 2010, where he was on the show as Derrick Bateman. The former WWE Superstar talked about he and Bryan making a bad situation look much better, recalling some of their hilarious skits, including the first time Bryan and his wife Brie Bella were on screen together.

“He’s one of the best wrestlers ever in the ring, he’s an awesome, educated, interesting dude,” EC3 said. “Doesn’t have to be about wrestling, you can talk to him about anything. He has a sick, twisted sense of humor, which I dearly appreciate. He’s a good person to be around, great dad. It was cool to be around him and we were both in on the fact that nobody cares about the shows, but we just made it as fun as possible. Doing the outrageous, outlandish, horse crap comedy that we were doing, we were having a very good time spit-balling dumb ideas back and forth, and since it wasn’t controlled, we just did them. Fans remember it. American flag pants, double date with the Bellas, submission wrestling, American flags falling out of nowhere. We made a subpar situation as cool as we could have.

“All you need, man, just give me an inch and I’ll make a mile. People can complain about what they get or they can make the most of it and do the best of their abilities, and it’s very easy to sit back and complain, and it’s very hard to find the positive in situations like that.”

Following his release from the WWE in early 2020, EC3 announced a YouTube channel series where wrestlers could be in control of their own narrative. After eight additional WWE releases were announced this past week to add to the over 80 that were made in 2021, EC3 responded to his friend Drake Maverick’s post about getting let go by the company with a simple “told you.”

As far as what’s next for the former IMPACT Wrestling star, EC3 said he could see himself in AEW or anywhere that the idea of controlling his own narrative continues. The 38-year-old also spoke about a specific AEW wrestler he’d love to mix it up with in the future.

“I can envision myself infiltrating and expanding my idea everywhere, and AEW would obviously be a target,” EC3 said. “Moxley is a hell of a guy. I have a match that I do want to have, which is a true battle with that man. I think he can bring the best out of me and I can do the same to him. We’re different but also like-minded.

“He’s an incredible talent, always works hard but he’s stoic which I respect and enjoy. He’s not afraid to get his hands dirty, he’s not afraid to get rough, raw, and bring it. He’s not, nor am I, a pretty wrestler so to speak. It’s not clean or choreographed looking but it’s realistic and gritty which is what I like. If I’m rolling around in thumbtacks and glass with that dude on a big stage, yeah, I’d be cool with it.”

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