Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Which Wrestling News Site Was Stupid Enough To AGAIN Post Something Only Their "VIP" Members Can See That Everyone Else Can See For Free?


You would've thought, after they got busted out in public by this site last week that they'd learn not to be this stupid. BUT.. As you can see, PWInsider is continuing to be? This stupid.

Here it is, the story I did last week when they tried to post an Impact Wrestling media call for only their "VIP Members" That one stroll over to YouTube and anybody, and everybody can hear for free.

So even though they got busted publicly for scamming their VIP membership into thinking they were getting something 'exclusive' when in fact it's free for anyone to see.. Here they go and do it again..

If you ask, "Are they really this fucking dumb"? The answer is an obvious 'yes', they are, this fucking dumb.

Because as you saw with the screen shot they're trying that same scam again.. BUT.. LOOKIE LOOKIE HERE.. That same 'for Elite members Only" can be seen right here, below, FOR FREE.

I'll even supply the link.

Someone please notify Mike Johnson and tell him that his little scam on his elite members has been exploited, for the second week in a row, and that he might want to try a new scam since this one has failed for the second week in a row..

Here's a lesson for PWInsider. Don't bother trying to make Impact media calls for your elite members only, because ALL of them, are available on YouTube for free, dumb asses. 

You can thank me now for showing AGAIN, just how fucking stupid, some of these 'major' news sites really are. 

They actually bring this on themselves, with their own stupidity. Some day they may learn, some day..

Obviously, some day... Won't be today.

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