Sunday, October 10, 2021

"Marks" Must "Love" Getting Smacked - Too Bad They Always Do The Same Copout When Called Out


You'd think after the story I did yesterday on smacking 'marks' and putting them in their place (which you can see right here  ) you'd think they'd re-learn not to try and brace me.

As you can guess, this ass clown isn't as knowledgeable as he believes he is.

Too bad he also did the same thing ALL 'MARKS' DO when they know they've been 'checked'. They try and change the subject (and fail even at that as well).

Here's the latest dumb ass to think he's smarter and knows more doesn't realize facts knock his shit down instantly. 

Trying to say that SMACKDOWN is the WWE's MAIN show when it's not and it never will be shows, that 'marks' today are STILL, pretty damn dumb. 

I give proof and as usual with today's 'marks', proof and facts they don't want to accept. So when I call him out to provide me with the one thing that would him to be correct without a doubt? What does this dipshit do?

He does what all 'marks' seem to do when they know I put em in their place. He tries to change the subject so he can 'side step' the fact he can't come up with it. 

So typical and yet predictable 'marks' STILL are. Which is why it never takes any effort for me to put em in 'check' so easily. THEY, make it this easy, that's how fucking stupid they are. 

Here you go, watch how he tries and tries, like he's trying to huff and puff but can't even blow a house of cards down. 

And in case the dumb shit I just 'checked' tries to say "No one sees your site". Proof as always is, a mother fucker and I as always, will be the mother fucker that provides proof. 

The number of viewers to this site in the last hour. 

Someday the 'marks' will smarten up, and some day they'll become a challenge and stop doing all the predictable cop outs they do when they get smacked and 'checked'.

Some day though, obviously, won't be today.

UPDATE!! 9:00 PM

Remember I just said someday 'marks' will make it a challenge but that someday won't be today? Guess what, I was right again as usual.. And this "Bryant 'Snoopy' or 'Snippy' has continued to show whgat a world class dumb ass he really is. 

Just when I thought 'marks' can't get any dumber, here comes ol "Snepy" to prove me wrong, and he does it how? With the same ol, tired ol, predictable actions and responses that 'marks' always do.

Nothing changes if nothing changes. and nothing changes the fact that 'marks' today are truly some dumb assed, mother fuckers.

First he can't come up with what I asked him for, which was a quote from McMahon saying RAW isn't the main show.. of course he CAN'T come up with one because there isn't one. It's been common knowledge for decades that RAW is the WWE's main show, but according to "sneppypoo' here, it isn't and he's tried all fucking day to show he's right, when he's clearly not. 

Gotta love the persistence of 'marks' who KNOW they've been 'checked' and owned and try everything they can to try and avoid that obvious fact. 

And here's how he first tries it, he tries to flip the script and avoid being called out by attempting to throw one back on me. Which is the post predictable thing 'marks' do when they know they've been owned. 

And when that one doesn't work, what does he do? Puts his foot in his mouth by claiming (which is yet ANOTHER predictable side step 'marks' who know they've been 'checked' do) that 'nobody looks at this site.

I mean this is how fucking stupid this dumb ass is. All he had to do is click the link and he would've saw the screen shot where it clearly took his argument away from him before he could try using it and failing with it.

But no, he was too lazy and stupid to do that so instead he used it and has made himself look like an even bigger moron than he already has shown to be. 

Gotta love the 'marks' and their obvious stupidity, you really do :)

Here it is, the latest number of viewers that "Snepypoo' claims doesn't visit this site. Again proof is a mother fucker and I'm always the mother fucker who gives the proof.

Maybe someone else can dumb it down for 'Snepy" because no matter how many times I've tried, he's shown to be just too stupid to 'get it'. So maybe someone else can spell it out for him in a language he understands because I don't have a degree in English to dumb ass translation and ol "Snepoypoo' has proven to be THE dumb ass of the month. 

Again, someday 'marks' will make it a challenge and not always be this predictable and stupid.

Someday? Won't be today, that's for sure. 

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