Friday, October 29, 2021

Mance Warner Has FINALLY Got His Release From MLW (Too Bad MLW Didn't Have The Guts To Do it Earlier)

Mance Warner has become the latest talent to leave MLW. ONLY because MLW has FINALLY decided, to do the right thing and release him.

MLW wasn't doing anything to get him over or to be successful anyway, and that's been a known fact for a while now. 

Warner has been released by MLW, according to multiple reports. SE Scoops had the news first. Warner had stated in interviews as far back as December 2020 that he was looking to leave MLW, but MLW's Court Bauer refused to release him, and to this day has yet to explain why. A story I covered, here...

If you're not properly using a guy, or even TRYING to get him in the company you hired him to work in, then why the fuck are you holding him for? DDUUHH.

But that's the logic and mentality apparently of MLW's Court Bauer. 

Warner in the mean time has not appeared in a match for the promotion since the April 11, 2020 episode of MLW Fusion, taped in Mexico in March 2020.  

Warner, 33, joins Jordan Oliver, Beastman, Bu Ku Dao and Leo Brien as names leaving MLW this week. MLW has yet to comment on the releases, but a PW Insider report speculates that CEO Court Bauer's desire to run shorter TV tapings with less talent is a potential reason for the cuts. 

Warner originally debuted for MLW in 2019, defeating Wheeler Yuta in his debut match for the company. In addition to his MLW run, Warner is likely best known for his work with GCW. He appeared on last weekend's GCW War Ready event, dropping the GCW Tag titles to The Briscoes with partner Matthew Justice. 

So now that Warner is a free agent, hopefully someone will use Warner better and show MLW how dumb they were for letting him sit there with MLW hiding behind the "We have nothing for you" excuse.


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