Wednesday, October 6, 2021



Killer Kelly is stepping away from pro wrestling for the rest of the year in order to take care of her health.

In a statement posted on social media this afternoon, Kelly said that she has had problems breathing during her matches and will be taking time off to fix her nose and breathing problems.

“Since coming back to wrestling, I’ve noticed that something is off,” she wrote. “I tried my best to hide it, mainly because I wasn’t understanding what was happening. And because I wanted to keep on wrestling. Thankfully, none of you picked [up] on it. And only my opponents knew what was happening.”

“I’ve been having a lot of trouble breathing to the point that I couldn’t take a breath,” she added. “And no, this isn’t COVID related because I’ve never had it/don’t have it. It’s “just” me being not capable of breathing. So with that said I’ve pulled away from all my wrestling commitments for the year and I’m going to take some time away to fix my nose and my breathing. I didn’t want to do this but health should come first.”

After spending most of 2021 inactive, Kelly returned in September, wrestling for Black Label Pro and Beyond Wrestling.

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