Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Just When Think "Marks" CAN'T get Any More Clueless, THIS Guy Comes Along And Shows Me- They Can


Where do these dumb ass 'marks' come from? And why is there so many of these dumb ass 'marks' roaming the earth and on the internet? Can they really BE This dumb?

Apparently, as you're about to see, the answer is... Yes.

I've never seen a guy go so much and so far out of his way to explain how not doing research or getting facts is a great idea. That's basically what he's saying, which goes against other 'marks' who love to claim and brag that people need to do research..

I mean seriously, how hard would be to Google Raj's name and see that he's a huge part of WrestlingInc? Take what, thirty seconds at most? At least THEN if Cornette and Last had them facts, they'd have a better idea who they were making fun of. But instead they refused to do any fact checking or research and end up sounding like morons because they didn't do any research.

So here comes this 'mark' who calls himself, get this.. "Colonel Kenpachi", who has some sort of stupid looking anime KFC pic for his profile picture trying to tell me how not doing research for something is a 'good' thing.

Really, honestly, you're gonna see him explain and explain this DUMB logic and he really believes it. Stands by it 100% and he's the only one anywhere I've seen truly believe in how not doing research for something like this is a great idea.

It's about as great as the YouTube handle he decided to give himself. 

If you're gonna review something, and make fun of someone oin that review, the least you can do is if you have the guy's name (Which Cornette diod as he said he wrote it down).. TAKE THIRTY SECONDS AND GOOGLE IT!

Facts as part of research is a good thing and something 90% of the world does anyway.. Except for this idiot ass clown the 'Colonel' here. 

And then this moron decides to mention something called "Internet Etiquette".. WHAT in the FFUUCCK is that? hahahahahahaha..

Please, someone show me the book titled that, who wrote it? I wanna see it since this fucktart thinks that really exists when it really doesn't.

WHERE, do these fucking morons come from, and who the hell allowed them to have internet access? 

Anyways you can see how I easily run rings around this dumb shit.. Again it doesn't take any effort as he literally gives me the ammunition to fire back and make him look stupid. 

Why these 'marks' always make it so easy for me to 'check' em, I'll never know, but they always do, make it this easy. 

I always love it hiow 'marks' think I need THEIR permission to make screenshots for a story like this. Amazes me that they think that they're that important that I'd think I'd need THEIR permission.

'Marks' today are truly a dumb breed, and unfortunately, the internet keeps breeding more and more of these dumb asses, every day.

So now that I busted the 'Colonel' down to a private and pout his ass in 'check' where he belongs. Before he can chime in and claim ike other 'marks' try to do, that nobody looks at this site. Here ya go, proven wrong before they can even try and claim it.

Taken 30 seconds ago, this is just in the last hour, how many people have visited this site.

Someday 'marks' will become a challenge, but since it wasn't happening yesterday, and as you can see? It's not going to be today either.... I'll keep asking, when WILL they finally become a challenge?

I'll wait...And I'll be waiting a long long, LLOONNG time from the looks of things.

Another 'mark' bites the dust with ease, you can thank me now.

You're welcome.

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