Monday, October 18, 2021

Free The Narrative 2 | The Monster In Us All | "Nothing Matters" Excerpt


"Nothing Matters” A monologue from #TheEssentialCharacter ec3 to a hapless young dreamer, Jake Logan. Would you do anything for your dream? Would you stab your best friend in the back? Would you spit in your father’s face? Would you let someone sleep with your wife? Do you play the game? Or do you prepare for war? Can you handle this dream you seek, sacrificing your body, your soul, your life, and your love being given to someone else? Can you handle your dream being handed to someone with the -right look -right last name -Someone Twice your size with half your passion? Your dream will be given to #monsters. What is the dream? -Titles and accolades. -A moderate 6 salary? -The dopamine hit of celebrity attention, likes/comments/RTs, and star reviews? Look around you. Does this look like your dream? No, your dream is somewhere else. In The corporate culture. The three-letter brands. The soulless void that eventually sucks the very humanity out of you? Your modest dream is to line the pockets of billionaires. WE. DONT. NEED THEM. If we are the neglected of this industry then so be it. We are hired and we are fired we win and we lose cheered, booed pushed, deplatformed and punished for a bottom line and a society obsessed with the superficial. Nothing Matters. A dream is fragile. A dream is greedy. A dream will betray you. A dream becomes a nightmare. But a purpose? That’s worth fighting for. If you want to #controlyournarrative….. you have to fight.

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