Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Control Your Narrative - #FreeTheNarrative I (FULL FEATURE)


A unique professional wrestling and cinematic experience based on EC3's "Control Your Narrative" movement, "FTN" features a gritty, realistic, physical blend of wrestling with in-depth character development and storytelling. Step inside "The Narrative" as Matt Cardona accepts EC3's challenge for a "fight." Not a fight based on money or titles, but based on personal pride and the pursuit of "purpose." In addition to EC3 vs Matt Cardona "FTN" hosts five "unsanctioned fights" where the only way to win is by tap out, knock out, or the inability to continue. Featuring talent from all major "three-letter" wrestling brands (including Moose, Parrow, John Skyler, "William" (Bill Carr) "The Vision" (Matt Sydal), "The Unknown Hand" (Percy Watson/Nick McNeil) watch as these combatants have unimpeded freedom from their respective "offices" and "creative teams." Every participant in "FTN" acts on their own accord, breaking the chains of their corporate wrestling personas in an expose to their respective realities. Set to an original score, Free The Narrative is an entirely independent production that features an innovative blend of professional wrestling, cinema, and harsh reality. To "Control Your Narrative" is to "tell your story." At "Free The Narrative," their stories will be told. Tune in to support these wrestlers, creative freedom, and storytelling in wrestling. Stick around for a "huge" extended ending!

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