Thursday, September 2, 2021

Wrestling Observer's Staff STILL Have Trouble Posting The Correct Links, SSOO I'll Again Do It For Them (Updated 9-2-21 10:00 pm)


9-2-21 10:00pm

FOUR HOURS after this story was originally posted and Ethan, the man who posted the incorrect link STILL hasn't corrected it.

Four people sent me info on what happens when you actually let him know that he fucked up and this is the result.

So instead of actually CORRECTING the fuck up, he just goes and blocks anyone who in foprms him of his mistake. HHHMMMM.

I didn't bother to inform him as I'm letting the story speak for itself. it's on HIM to fix his mistake. (That is, if Meltzer allows him too, LOL ).

In the time it takes for him to block a person, he could've used that same amount of time to actually FIX, his mistake. 

It must be some kind of "Meltzerism" to just block pewople who tell him he screwed up and continue to not fix your mistake.

Maybe it is a "Meltzerism" that fixing mistakes is "beneath us", LOL. 

Several people sent me this because they know how I love posting stories on these kind of stupid screw ups. You really can't make this shit up.

First it was Dave Meltzer who's had a long history of not being able to post a link correctly, NOW we have this moron who writes for Meltzer's Wrestling Observer web page. 

This was posted two hours ago. 

Now, what happens when you click on the link this jack ass put in his story? THIS, is what you get.

YYEEPP, that link takes to to where you have to PAY, in order to see Fightful Select's story.

But you don't have to PAY to see it. And since this dumb fuck isn't capable of posting the correct link, I'll go ahead and do it for him.

HERE, is where you can see Fightful Select's story, and don't have to 'pay', to see it.

How fucking hard was that to do? Not hard at all but apparently Meltzer's writing staff have this inability to post the correct links.

At least with WP&P. WWEEE give you the correct links, every time.

Too bad the same can't be said for those other so called 'major' wrestling news sites, LMAO!

So you can thank me yet again, for doing what Meltzer and his staff just can't seem to do. It'll always have to be left up to me to do, what they can't for some reason do.

You're welcome. (smiles)

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