Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Jazz's 'Retirement" In Impact Wrestling Must've Been A Fluke Because NOW, She's 'Retiring' At...


This show...

First she announces her 'retirement' on Facebook. Then a week and a half later she 'unretires' herself and gets booked in Impact Wrestling where THEY, gave her a 'retirement match' and couldn't even to THAT stipulation correctly. 

I covered that fuck up here.

So now that she 'retired' in Impact Jazz is gonna go and 'retire' again, this time at the upcoming Atomic Revolutionary Wrestling show.

I mean Jesus Christ, how many fucking company's is she gonna 'retire' in?

THIS right here is a great example of why, fans don't take stipulations seriously or even believe em. Wrestlers like Jazz go out of their way to make a joke out of them. 

After Jazz 'retires' from this company, what's the next company she gonna 'retire' in? 

The fact that ARW is even DOING a 'retirement match' KNOWING she already did the 'retirement' gig over at Impact shows how dumb whoever owns ARW seems to be. 

I guess when 'marks' own a company. they don't really pay attention to what's happening in other wrestling companies. 

Watch, as soon as Jazz 'retires' in ARW, she'll be announced as 'retiring' somewhere else.

And when it DOES happen? You can bet I'll be right here, making fun of that one too.

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