Saturday, August 7, 2021

WWE Trying To Keep “Chelsea Green” Trademark (Yeah, Good Luck With That One, LOL)


So the WWE is gonna try and keep the "name" of someone they failed to push and present correctly?

 How fucking dumb is that shit.

Why, are they gonna waste all their time money and energy to try and keep a name of a talent they obviously and blatantly dropped the ball with? 

AAWWW are they mad that SHE, immediately has gotten better success elsewhere now that THEY, the WWE had no fucking clue on how to use her properly? Sounds like sour grapes on WWE's part but good luck in trying to keep the name of a wrestler YOU, failed with.

Earlier this week on August 5, WWE replied to Office Action stating that the name identifies Chelsea Green, and she had given them permission to trademark the name. WWE provided a letter of consent from Green, but it was dated November 2020, when she was still with WWE.

Green herself had begun the process to trademark her name in April, following her release. She has been using “Chelsea Green” in recent appearance for promotions like Ring of Honor, NWA, and Impact Wrestling.

Green has achieved better success in the last couple weeks appearing in ROH, Impact and now soon, Billy Corgan's NWA than the entire time the WWWE had her under contract and underutilized her. 

Yeah, sounds like someone is mad and jealous because 'yet, aother one' last left the WWE bubble and got better success elsewhere. 

Bet someone in WWE is feeling the burn, the truth usually does hurt, sting and burn. :) 

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