Friday, July 30, 2021

Nothing Like BLATANTLY Using False Advertising On Something That Can Be Easily Proven To Be False


Pretty funny that whoever the moron is that uploads these clips for Conrad, actually "Thought", that the falsely advertised title wasn't gonna get proven wrong. 

That's what you get for "thinking". Once again thinking and that person doesn't go hand in hand very well.

Now HAD it been titled as "First NATIONAL TV match" that probably would've been more believable. But they didn't even consider that apparently. So in the end whoever u[loads these again looks like a complete fucking idiot. 

I bet Conrad must be proud right about now, LOL. 

As you see in the reply that I replied to, THIS is probably closer to Arn's first televised match. Unless someone has one from Pensacola where he first started out.

Nice try though. Better luck next time. Next time try advertising something more factual, hell of a concept, eh? 

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