Saturday, July 3, 2021

No Matter Where You Go? There They Are.. "Marks" That Just "INSIST" On Being Made Into Idiots (Updated 7-4-21 1:30 am)


As Kurt Angle used to say, "It's true, it's DAMN TRUE". Dumb ass "marks" are everywhere you go on social media, YouTube is no exception as you're about to see. 

You'd think by now they'd smarten up, or realize by seeing stories like this one, that I'm one you'd best just avoid when it comes to being a dumb ass. Unfortunately, the morons, just can't help themselves.

So here's the two latest examples. I answered someone's question about how Russo ruined wrestling, and the guy that replied? Wasn't even the guy I was replying to. He just decided to throw himself into the conversation, and just like EVERY "MARK" DOES? He totally ignores facts, then tries to change the subject and after he gets his ass handed to him on THAT, STILL thinks he got over when even a blind man can see he got his ass verbally kicked. 

I love how "Marks" these days try that same ol same ol "ignore the facts, then change the subject' tactic, thinking it actually works, when it clearly doesn't. All it shows is that they know they're getting punked so if they try to deflect by changing the subject, somehow they'll 'win', LOL!

Some day, "Marks" will stop being so pathetically predictable. 

I know I'll probably be adding more screen shots to this because "Marks" today don't have a clue on when it's best for them to just stay silent. 

Then we have this ass clown, "Brimstone Fan Club", first he says he's just a fan (which I called him a "Brimstone Mark" and he really didn't deny it) Then tries to claim he's him, THEN goes back to claiming he's "just a fan".

Too bad he can't make up his mind which gimmick to consistently portray when he's on YouTube, LOL. You just can't make this kind of shit up, you just can't.

I love how this "Brimstone Fan Club" clown thinks that I'd just back down if Brimstone came up and put his finger to my chest. Like I would just stand there and let him do it, LOL! Most people who know me know I don't let anyone do anything and most wrestlers that have met me know that if they got hit by a dirt sheet writer, a headline like "Wrestling Journalist Knocks Pro Wrestler Down With One Punch" wouldn't be a headline they'd want their name attached to. Or "Fan Puts Pro Wrestler Down With One Punch". Much like the story I did acouple weeks back where Charlie Haas shoved a fan at an indie show in Texas, and another fan belted him to the floor with one punch. 

Things like that, that make social media are things most pro wrestlers don't want to see happen. Back in the day a pro wrestler lost his job if a fan got over him like that fan did on Haas. 

And in case either of these two dumb shits wanna try and come back with that OTHER ever so predictable line of "Nobody goes to your site". Here's a screen shot of the number of viewers who have, been to my site in the last hour. I'll just go ahead and take that argument from them before they can even try to use it. :)

I said it several times and it looks like I'll have to keep saying it several more times. Someday "Marks" won't make it this easy for me to make fun of, some day "Marks" will become a challenge. 

Some day, obviously, won't be today. 

Update 7-4-221 1:30 am..

And NNOOWW, the very first guy I replied top on the Vince Russo thing has finally decided to speak up..

And wouldn't you know it, he's just as DUMB ASSED as the other two I've 'checked' tonight.

ANOTHER example of today's "Marks" totally ignoring facts, especially when the facts establish a pattern of failure and then rambles on and on several paragraphs long saying alot but not, really saying anything at all. 

Truly THIS, is the mentality of "marks" now. 

And when I said I'll be "waiting a long time" for him to come up with something credible, what does he do? The very thing that validates what I said about waiting a long time for him to come up with something credible.

Gotta love how "Marks" fall into that trap over, and over, and over again.

Instead of these dumb shits replying with several paragraphs of nonsense, why can't they actually scrape up something back up all their blabbering?

HHEEYY, what a concept that is, eh? 

Instead, we get what you saw, nothing credible that he brings up, I call him ouyt to do and he deflects like all the "Marks" always do, and when i say I'll be waiting a LONG TIME for him to bring something credible up? He proves me right, LMAO!

Some day they'll become a challenge but some day, sure the fuck, won't be today, or even a week from today, LMAO!

Thank you "Marks" for being so dumb, and keep up the good work since being dumb and have nothing to offer seems to be your only good point. 

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