Friday, June 25, 2021

WWE Admits "We Have Nothing For You" By Firing The Following People


When the "Creatively Challenged" WWE Creative isn't "creative enough" to come up with something "Creative" for people? They just fire them, and today? A whole bunch of people found themselves unemployed. 

Johnny Curtis aka Fandango, The Bollywood Boyz, August Grey

205 Live and NXT star Curt Stallion and Arturo Ruas (who was last seen during Raw Underground)

MMA Four Horsewoman member and NXT star Marina Shafir

WWE had been planning to change her official ring name and there had been some pitches for the new name over the last few weeks, so there had been plans in the works for her. But instead the WWE changed their mind and decided she can have a changer of employment instead. 

Proving that the 'creatively challenged' WWE creative team is indeed, 'creatively challenged'. 

Ariya Daivari and Tony Nese Also recieved their walking papers today. 

Shafir, married to Roderick Strong, signed with WWE in May 2018, but never really had a significant run. She last wrestled on WWE 205 Live on January 29, teaming with Zoey Stark for a loss to Ember Moon and Shotzi Blackheart in a tournament match for the WWE NXT Women’s Tag Team Titles.

Ruas signed with WWE in 2015 and appeared on RAW Underground last year. He was drafted to RAW in the 2020 Draft, but had been quietly moved back to NXT. He last wrestled on the November 18 NXT, losing to NXT Cruiserweight Champion Kushida.

Tyler Breeze, Ever-Rise (Chase Parker, Matt Martel) and  Killian Dain also can kiss their WWE careers (or lack thereof) goodbye as well.

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