Saturday, June 12, 2021

LuFisto On Feeling That AEW Segments Are Redundant, Why WWE Might Not Sign Her


Independent wrestling star LuFisto joined the It’s Our House Podcast to talk some pro wrestling. LuFisto talked a bit about AEW, and offered some criticism for the promotion.

“There’s got to be a promo at the beginning of the match that’s going to be cut off, there’s going to be a match and then there’s something else after to build to something. Why is this every single match?” LuFisto asked. “Every match there’s a promo that’s being cut by someone else, or there’s an after burn where somebody comes out and attacks. It’s just the same thing, there’s no flow. There’s so many ways to set up a match, you can start within a match that’s just a simple competition. One of the people gets really pissed and cheats then he gets beat and then he want more of this guy cause you know he didn’t respect me. Easy. I think people sometimes are trying to do it too complicated. The possibilities are endless.”

LuFisto, who made waves last year for calling out the CZW promotion, also talked about Ring of Honor and their new women’s division, run by Maria Kanellis. She revealed she was a fan of ROH’s new product and believes she could be an asset for the promotion in and out of the ring.

“Maybe,” LuFisto said when asked if she’d be interested in joining the promotion. “I know what she said about the borders is what it comes down to. I’m a Canadian, and, you know, international talents right now, it’s a long process. Am I looking into my visa right now, the answer is yes. No, I didn’t sign a contract with anybody. But, I mean, just the fact that that Mrs. Kanellis sees me as an asset to Ring of Honor, and everybody knows I’m a big fan, especially of the new product. I hear how she and Mike Bennett are great people to be around and I keep reading the locker room is changing, and everything is getting better there

“And I have a lot of people that I know there like Chris Dickinson and Tony Deppen. I love Jonathan Gresham. It’s definitely the the place that I would like to be because I think I could be an asset, both as an in ring performer and also right hand woman, to help with anything else, definitely. I am a graphic designer. I design gear, I can be an agent, I can be anything. When I’m out wrestling I love helping the other people get their matches together I just love, love, love it.”

The topic later turned to CTE and specifically Chris Benoit. LuFisto talked about seeing a TV show featuring Benoit’s father that delved into the effect CTE had on Benoit. The bottom line for LuFisto is wrestlers need to take care of themselves, both in regards to CTE and other injuries.

“Yeah, not only with the CTE but you do get, you know, you do get the aches and pains and whatever that can lead to mental illness, suicide thoughts,” LuFisto said “Everything is dark, you get angry real fast, like ‘oh my god, you know, Chris Benoit.’ There was an actual show, and I don’t know if it aired anywhere else but in Canada because he was from here. They did a whole six sports show where his father was talking and Chris Nowinsky, who was a specialist when it comes to it. They said that Chris Benoit his brain was like a 75 year old man with heavy dementia. That’s how bad he was, he didn’t know what the hell, he probably didn’t know where the hell he was. Like it was that bad so it’s it’s serious, you know, take care of yourselves.

Recently LuFisto was mentioned as a possible coach for a hypothetical all women’s show in WWE by wrestling legend Mick Foley. She praised Foley for his kind words, but stopped short of expressing interest in doing something with WWE, mainly because she’s not sure they’d go all the way with an all women’s show.

“I believe the word legend is thrown out there a lot,” LuFisto said. “When somebody says it about me, I’m like, man, I don’t know like legend is such a big word but Mick is one. And he’s such a great man, He’s such a good, nice human being. So the fact he believes that I should be one of the people in charge, that means the world, he’s an idol to me. That he thinks so highly of me. It means the world.

“Would I be interested? I don’t know with WWE. I know there’s people who don’t like me at all. I laugh about it instead of crying because several people there don’t like me that I didn’t do anything to. I don’t even know if they would, because when we’re talking about a brand it’s, here’s the way I see it. There’s divisions but when you’re talking about the brand, it means you have your own show, with only women, and it’s like SmackDown, but women. It’s different, it’s not a division, it’s the whole show. A brand that’s, like, you have the NXT brand, you got the WWE brand and you would have women’s something. Are they gonna go there, do they believe they can make that much money? They might do it just to say we’re the first, that we did it. I saw people when it was mentioned that they were like ‘yeah, but the knockouts had shows and Shimmer, yes Shimmer definitely, I want to give credit to the first one Shimmer. But they were not something on regular TV, mainstream TV cable. That’s  where the difference is. ‘Yeah well, we put a full women’s brand on cable TV, not just the show, not just the pay per view a full brand with a weekly TV show’ and that’s where I don’t know if they would.

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