Saturday, June 5, 2021

How Many "Marks" In A Week Had To be Put In 'Check' By Me? Quite A Few (Updated 6-6-21 11:45 PM)


They seem to just line up in anticipation of getting verbally smacked and embarrassed. Not my fault there's so many dumb "Marks" out there now, they just keep coming out of the woodwork like cockroaches. So as long as they keep coming and trying to brace me? I'll keep putting them in their place. 

I just wish one of them, would actually make it a challenge, but as you'll see. None of them ever can. 

Here's one dummy who tried to brace me on something I posted from Cornette's podcast. As you see it takes absolutely no effort whatsoever, to put these guys in their place.

Our next set of ass clowns comes from when I posted my story on Game Changer Wrestling getting sued. I posted it, where? Right on GCW's FB page. "Marks" always like to hide behind "Why don't you post that where the people you write about can see it"? 

I do, every time but the "Marks" have to always be educated on that fact. And when they are, they realize what fucking idiots they made themselves look like.  

So here's the next set that got set on their way after they had to be checked with ease by me.

Why, is it always, this easy? Why, can't they ever be a challenge? I guess because none of them are ever good enough. :)

That set with GCW was yesterday.. TODAY, we have this set of "Geniuses" that took offense to the story I wrote on Cody Rhodes (which all was factual by the way and the AEW "Marks" And Fanboys have a problem when it comes to facts and truth. 

I also love how AEW "Marks" always ASSume I'm a WWE fan when I haven't watched WWE programming on a steady basis in over eight years. Every time I do watch it? They remind me why I don't watch it. 

The stupidity of today's "Marks" knows no bounds, as well as their true lack of real knowledge and facts. As you'll see, "Kenny" tries everything to show he's right when reality is Facts keep proving him wrong and he just can't accept it. Or doesn't want to. 

You can choose which one it is. 

As you saw, easy peasy to 'check' these dumb shits. 

Some day, the "Marks" will become a challenge. Some day..

It obviously, won't be today, LMAO!

And so the "Marks" can't hide behind their usual typical and predictable reply off "Nobody goes to your site". I'll go ahead and take that argument away from them too. 

This was taken 30 seconds ago on how many people are currently, visiting my site.

Proof is always a mother fucker so you can thank me for being the mother fucker who has proof. :) 


What happens when a dumb "mark" tries to brace me, and then realize he lost with flying colors?

They snitch, that's what they do and here's the proof.

All the other comments were left, just THAT ONE you saw above was removed. The only way that could've happened is if someone snitched me off to FB.

Since you see the name tagged on  the post that was removed? It's pretty obvious who did the snitching. Only bitches have snitch.

But no matter what, all the snitching in the world won't cover the fact he braced me, and got 'checked' as a resuilt of it. And this story won't be going away either.

So thanks for snitching "Kennyboy", it just gave me a chance to update this and plug it some more. 

How dumb do you feel now, eh? Real dumb, I'm sure. :) 

UPDATE!! 6-6-21 11:45 PM

Kenny can't stop snitching, AAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Nothing like being busted oput in public so everyone knows, you're a snitch, LMAO!

Busted again "Kenny", Busted again. :)

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