Sunday, May 9, 2021

Bloodhunter Is Gone From SWE In Texas


Devin Nicholson explains his departure from SWE in Texas saying: SWE Fury head booker Teddy Long told him to leave Texas and go back to Canada after a 6 month relationship with SWE Fury where Hannibal was their lead interviewer and operated SWE's YouTube channel.  He claimed he brought it from only 400 subscribers last November to nearly 20K subscribers this week when they released him. 

They were averaging about $1500/month in YouTube revenue from nothing.  Hannibal gave them his Wrestlecon table to use and helped book and transport talent among other office duties. Long also unbooked Shane Douglas and Scorpio from future SWE Events despite Hannibal already buying their plane tickets. Hannibal was Texas Champion as his Blood Hunter character it remains to be seen how they will handle that but as they owe him money he is keeping the Title.

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