Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Mr. 'Associate Producer' Evan Ginzburg Had To be Put In His Place, So.. I put Him There


It's sad that it had to come to this, but it doesn't matter who you are, or how long I've known you.. if you delete replies that contradict what you say then you're nothing but a little bitch. And a once long time friend in Evan Ginzburg, who I've known since the 90's (and wrote for his old Wrestling Then And Now Newsletter he had back then), proved that when he gets contradicted, he acts like a little bitch because he can't handle a different kind of truth when it's presented with facts.

This came about because of a post Evan made, 'indirectly' in response to a post I made on my page concerning bad cops who get busted doing stupid things. The screen shot of my post is below.

Now instead of having the balls to make a reply on my post, mind you.. He decides to try the passive/aggressive approach and posts something on his page that's 'indirectly' aimed at what I posted. Screen shot of his post is below.

So what happens when I show him there's no 'crickets' here, and call him out on it? he tries to talk down to me about empathy for the family of the officer who was shot in Colorado. Guess what.. THAT, didn't come out well in his favor.

I explained about the families of the three officers who will now have to live with the fact that their dad, uncle, relative, etc will forever be known as a fuck up cop who got busted for stealing evidence money. Charges against the suspects these cops stole the money from were reduced to misdemeanors and they had a right to get the money back. Woman asked for it and it was missing and an investigation concluded that three sheriff deputies stole the money. 

The link to that story? Is right here..

Here's his post that was indirectly a reply to me, since he had no balls to actually reply on my post.

Now instead of having the balls to make a reply on my post, mind you.. He decides to try the passive/aggressive approach and posts something on his page that's 'indirectly' aimed at what I posted. Screen shot of his post is below.


So what does Evan do when he sees there's no 'crickets' here, and I have a valid point, backed up by facts and proof?

He quickly deletes my reply, like a pussy. That's what he does. 

I noticed he did that, not even ten minutes after he did it, so I confront him on it, and in true form of people who can't accept truth that isn't 'popular', he threatens to block me. Because my facts, as well as me speaking up because he posted that in response to what I did, contradicted his attempt at snarkyness. I guess the logic and mentality is, that the 'Great Evan Ginzburg' is above being contradicted. 

I replied, as you'll see, telling him I've made screenshots for when he decidced to delete what I say again. I again explained about the three families of those three cops and how about empathy for them? 

It's "selective empathy' when it comes to Evan Ginzburg, apparently, and his actions prove that in every way.

You'll also see that as I was writing my last reply to him? He went ahead and bitched up.. Ran and hid like a bitch behind a block

Guys like him, when you give him truth that doesn't go with the masses, always want to 'look away' and hope the issue just 'magically' goes away, the way Trump wanted Covid-19 to magically go away. 

You'll see how he did indeed delete again, with the screenshot below

It doesn't matter WHO, you are. Associate producer of The Wrestler and 350 Days, or just a regular blkue collar worker.. You act like a bitch, I'm gonna treat you, like a bitch.

So I won't lose any sleep putting Evan in his place. And by all means plesase show him this because putting him in check? is just as easy as putting the 'marks' in check. Evan was just as dumb as they are because he simply gave me the ammunition to put him, in his place.  

They always do. 

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