Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Deonna Purrazzo SCREWS Jazz! | IMPACT! Highlights Mar 23, 2021


Didn't Jazz retire for like, two weeks, then suddenly 'come out of retirement' when someone decided to offer her a job?

Yeah, she did do that. 

Don't you love how wrestlers 'retire' when they can't get booked for a decent payday, then quickly come out of retirement when a job offer comes along?

I love how Deonna "no sells' three clotheslines in a row. I remember a time when nailing a clothesline actually meant something. Hell Stan Hansen made a career out of using that one move. Even JBL too for that matter. Now? it's just a "aaahhh, why bother 'selling' it" move in Impact. 

Very lame face buster by Jazz, Deonna's attempt at an fujiawa arm bar looked so bad. maybe she should stop trying moves she can't convincing try to do. Just a hint here.

Why is Suzie, after interfering in the match, putting her hands up to a crowd that isn't even there? DDUUHH! 

Thank God places like Reality Of Wrestling and Mission Pro Wrestling are out there. Way better matches in them companies, than here in Impact.

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