Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Sure took Ring Of Honor Long Enough As They FINALLY, Announce Marty Scurll's Departure


When contacted by, ROH officials declined to comment further and referred back to the released statement.

Scurll, 32, had signed a new Ring of Honor deal in January 2020 that would have have seen him take on lead booking duties for the company but the first weekend where he would have been in that position, the COVID-19 pandemic led to Ring of Honor canceling their March Anniversary show PPV and subsequent Past vs. Present TV taping in Las Vegas.

Before ROH could resume production, Scurll was among the names identified during the #SpeakingOut movement with a woman in Great Britain alleging that Scurll took advantage of her while she was drunk and underage.  Scurll released several statements in response, later making his Twitter account private,

ROH released the following statement in June 2020 regarding the accusation:

"At Ring of Honor, we pride ourselves on the respectful and inclusive environment we have built, one that ensures all employees can work in a place where they feel safe and respected.  We take these matters extremely seriously and have a zero tolerance policy when it comes to this type of behavior.  Ring of Honor has launched an immediate investigation into the claims made against its currently contracted wrestlers. We will update you on our investigation once it concludes.”

Scurll was removed from the ROH website roster in October 2020.  At the time, when asked by PWInsider.com about the investigation, ROH officials stated it was still ongoing and that they could not comment.

Scurll has not been at any ROH TV tapings or PPVs since the promotion resumed production and had not been involved in any behind the scenes responsibilities.

Scurll had worked for Ring of Honor from 2016 through 2020.  

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