Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Another Mark Bites The Dust (They Always Reply The Same Way, Which Makes This ALWAYS, Way Too Easy To Do)


"Marks" Just never, ever learn.. If you try the old, unconvincing "Nobody Cares" reply, you know damn well you did care... Cause if you didn't care, you never would've replied in the first place. 

That's the lesson 'marks' today can't seem to comprehend. And then they KEEP replying after you check their dumb asses which shows even more how fuckin g dumb they are.. 

Keep replying yet you ' don't care' (rolls eyes), yeah, real convincing there, dipshit. 

So here's the latest dumb ass to get slapped. Someday these ass clowns will actually make it a challenge, instead of always replying in the same typical yet, predictable ways they always do. 

Always, Smacking a 'mark' and putting him in his place, is and always will be, way.. Too.. Easy. 

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