Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Marks Really Need To Learn, If You're Gonna Come At Me? You Need To Be Better Prepared.


Because always using the same ol same ol typical yet, predicable replies show that they should really just keep your mouth shut. Because facts and knowledge will always... Always, run rings around them. 

This latest example came because I posted a reply to this. And instead of replying back, this ass clown decided to come at me on messenger.

And so this clown comes at me and after handing her some simple, basic knowledge and facts.. She resorts to what almost every mark does when they get checked. They resort to the 'Kid', "Dad', cracks which I guess to them, is supposed to be some sort of 'ggrreeaatt' insult. But as the real world knows, it's just a lame attempt and in the end shows, they're not really good at making insults and should at least go to insult school.

I mean, all I did was hand her some painful truth, but you know, AEW marks can't seem to handle truth. Most marks today can't and as always they always reply the same way, which is why it's always... ALWAYS, so damn easy to put them, in their place, without any effort needed whatsoever. 

If they're gonna come at me, the least they can do, is better prepare themselves. But as usual, they can't or just aren't capable of that. Which is why it'll always be so easy, to put them in check where they belong. 

Nice to see that after I told her to "Move around" she hasn't tried to keep talking... Maybe she finally smartened up and decided to "move around'. :) 

Another mark.. Bites the dust. 

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