Sunday, September 13, 2020

WWA (Kentucky)- Hysteria 105 - To The Extreme 2020

The WWA goes to the extreme once again in Evansville!

-See the Youtube Exclusive footage of the Empty Arena Match between Jordan Whittaker and CCW
-Nick Depp finally has Josiah's attention after a vicious attack on the Queen during the last Hysteria. The two face off for the WWA Championship in Barbed Wire Massacre 3!
-Ray Waddell and Jeremy Gray have reunited as a team. Tonight they challenge Dakota France and Vanderpool of the Royal Three in a Ladder Match for the WWA Tag Team Championships.
-After months of ducking his challenger, Alexander Knight defends the National Championship against Stonewall.
-Logan Legit has challenged Tyler Hawkins to a match. Hawkins has accepted, and that match is tonight!
-Nick Willis must find a partner to face the team that has been a thorn in his side for months, the Trendkillers.

All of this plus "Superior" Tony Evans, Jones, Jake Bravado, Matt Diesel, Drake Jaxon and more!

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