Thursday, August 20, 2020

Wrestling 'efed' group 'iW' Gets Smacked, Again

Afew days back i did this story on the wrestling 'efed' (fantasy wrestling) group 'iW'. And what was the fallout because this story was done?

You're about to see (smiles), as these guys in 'iW' especially the man behind the creation of this 'iW' can't handle it when they get a taste of their own medicine. They can dish it out but bbooyyy, when someone slaps them back. They go into total bitch mode.

But first, let's see another example of what idiots one of them is.

This guy here in a post claims titles are just 'props'.

Now he said this in an 'ooc' (Out of character) post. But, if he doesn't need titles then why is he in these two pics, HOLDING, the shitty looking titles he made that were featured in my last story?

Belts are 'props' but here he is, holding 'props', LMAO! Don't you love how they say one thing, yet do another, and look like complete idiots as a result?

Speaking of idiots, here's the fallout thanks to me having the balls to expose some facts on this 'iW'.

There's a FB wrestling page called 'ATM Cutthroat Wrestling Page'. That I was posting stuff on and was an admin on. The only reason anyone was paying attention to it was because of all the various things I posted there (most of what is on this blog, landed there). But because I did the story I did a few days back, the man who's behind the creation of this 'iW' had me removed. Apparently he's yet another example of how they can dish it out but then act like a bitch when they get bitch slapped.

Here's the proof that the man behind 'IW'(who you'll see in a minute here in this story) had me removed. Proof is, a mother fucker and I'll always be that mother fucker who has the proof.

Mr. Miller had claimed to be a friend but when push came to shove? He bitched up and blocked me because apparently, the truth hurt too much.

They in 'iW' are so quick to say 'Don't get bitter, get better'. Apparently they have a hard time taking their own advice.

And then comes THIS.. A convo someone I know had with the very man who's behind the entire 'iW' and their little 'efeds' on FB. As you'll see he gets confronted on acouple of things and then when he tries to get himself over by posting something from ten years ago, then gets called out? he too, bitches up. I don't have to say anything, the screenshots show for itself how ol 'David' buries himself and starts bitching up in the end by blocking someone who called his punk ass out.

And right there.. David gets caught because he gets called out and can't spin his way successfully out of it, so he does what every bitch ass does when they get called out and have to punk out.. He starts to bitch up.

But there's more.

And right after the reply of 'bye pussy' came? The block was put in place. So my boy Mickey got the last word on a little bitch ass.

But this is the world of 'iW' efeds people. People who try to be internet warriors but when they get their shit slapped back at them? They punk out, like total bitches.

You can go ahead and thank me now for showing all of you this.. You're welcome. :)

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