Thursday, August 20, 2020


Ohio Valley Wrestling;s 1100th episode will air this Tuesday in Louisville before airing next Friday on YouTooAmerica nationally.

The promotion will be adding a National Championship with the idea of the winner of a tournament to crown the first champion defending the title weekly on their national YTA series on Fridays.

Reality star and former Impact Wrestling talent Jesse Godderz returned to OVW this week.  Also back are former Tough Enough competitor Ryan Howe and Rocco Bellagio, the longest reigning champion in OVW history.

A number of new talents have been brought into Ohio Valley Wrestling, including Brian Pillman Jr., former Impact Wrestling talent Marshe Rocket and Kal Herro, son of long-time MId-Western promoter Dave Herro.

OVW is looking into bringing in content from other independent and international promotions to bolster their OVW/Gladiator Sports Network Roku channel.

There's been talk of holding another Tryout/Combine once a COVID-19 safety protocol can be put into place.  The idea is that OVW parent company Gladiator Sports would provide scholarships to trainees and perhaps contracts to current OVW talents who do well.  There's been talk of late about signing a core collection of talents to OVW contracts to build around, but no word yet if this would be exclusives or a per date deal.  They have also been looking at building relationships with other independent companies to help find and share talents.

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