Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Want To See Live Pro Wrestling In Philadelphia? Well... Not This Year.

Philadelphia has always been one of the central hubs for die-hard professional wrestling fans, dating back to the days where the WWF and WCW would sell out opposite each other in the 1980s, the days of the Tri-State Wrestling Alliance, the genesis and explosion in popularity of ECW and the Philadelphia indy wars of the early 2000s with Ring of Honor, XPW,. CZW and other promotions battling it out, but COVID-19 has shuttered that long standing tradition of pro wrestling in Philadelphia, just as the pandemic has shuttered lots of other social and entertainment events.

If you were hoping to return to the City of Brotherly Love and perhaps step into the 2300 Arena this year, well, it won't be happening.

The City of Philadelphia just announced that large gatherings over 50 people and public events that would feature crowds have been banned through February 2021.  That obviously will include professional wrestling on all levels.

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