Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Time To Put Taz In His Place (Since No Other Wrestling Writer Will Have The Balls To Do It)

Taz took to Twitter this week and fired back at a fan who criticized the new FTW Title belt, which Taz recently brought to AEW after using it in ECW years ago.

Here's his tweet right here.

But yet, when I, wrote this story https://billsbrandnewblog.blogspot.com/2020/07/this-revealing-old-ecw-ftw-title-is.html  and I know people in AEW saw it? Not one peep out of Taz.. HHMMMMM, I guess it's selective bashing on Taz's part, eh?

He also added this as well.

If he loves wrestling fans then why'd he get so over sensitive at a fan who told the truth? You just contracted your words with the actions you did.

But along with that? let me go ahead and further put Taz in check, since he does, obviously.. Need to be checked.

I love how you make this baseless claim to the fan that in person he or anyone else wouldn't say shit to anyone from AEW/Impact/WWE/ROH/MLW, etc. Well I can easily call bullshit on  that one and now? I call bullshit, to you Taz, er 'Peter'.

You see, unlike most of the fans and marks on social media I, actually worked in wrestling. 1997-99 in the New England area for guys like Sylvano Sousa, the late Walter 'Killer' Kowalski, WWA New England and EWA when they were based in Maine. I then, as I would now right to YOUR FACE, TTTAAZZZZ, speak the truth.. I have no qualms about looking someone in the face and telling them like it is because it's always been in my DNA to be that way. So what I said in my story above? I'd absolutely, with out any doubt, say the same thing to your face, and you'? Would stand there and take it.

Maybe that fan you bashed does have the balls to say it in person, how do you know he doesn't? You don't, so you basically ASSumed, and made an ass out of yourself with that ASSumption.

The nice thing about social media is that fans CAN call your ass out on shit like this. If you don't like seeing what's being posted then don't read it.. OOOOOO there's a concept for you. The only reason that FTW title has, any meaning is because Paul Heyman GAVE YOU the platform to make it have some meaning. If it wasn't for Heyman that title wouldn't mean shit, and in the bigger scheme of tings, it still doesn't mean much and the fan is right. AEW claimed they wanted to be an 'alternative' to WWE but the best they can scrape up is to have you, resurrect a title known in ECW. Steal an ECW idea.. GGEE How WWE and WCW is that? Yeah, great way to be an 'alternative' (rolls eyes).

People on social will continue to 'chirp' and wrestlers like you can no longer hide out in the locker rooms to avoid it. That's the way the business has evolved and it's those same fans you want and hope, watch your product every week, buy and watch the pay per views along with buying the merchandise you want to sell. So you want them to do all that? Then you have to deal with them same fans 'chirping' and calling your ass out on the obvious, like the FTW title. If you can't handle that then maybe you should stop being on social media, or just keep your mouth shut.. Cause someone like me, who does have the balls to say all this in person, would be more than happy to do just that.. Just to see the look on your face when you realize fans do, have the balls to say it to your face.

And speaking of saying it in person, why does it have to be 'a writing room'? Why not say it as you leave an arena? Believe me 'Tazzeepoo'.. I've said shit to Sousa, Kowalski, Bruce Prichard when he came (in 1998) with the WWE Training Dojo that headlined WWA New England shows, Jim Cornette, Dory Funk jr. and others, said it right at the shows, to their faces. If in your opinion I come off as a disrespectful jerk? (shrugs) okay then, I've been called much worse so i can live and actually embrace being called a disrespectful jerk. Coming from you I'd consider it a compliment.

So if I've said stuff which was the truth and didn't make an angle, company, etc look good to the faces of all I just mentioned.. What makes you think I wouldn't come and say something to your face? See that's where you kicked yourself in the ass. Wrestlers love to claim that fans wouldn't say shit to their face but here I am, a guy who has done it and would be happy to keep on doing it. So that just makes you look like a dumb ass for even thinking you could stand behind that claim.

You don't like fans 'chirping' and calling you out on what is so blatantly obvious? Don't read it, or maybe just stick to commentating for now on since you're such an oversensitive baby when you get on the internet. And yeah Tazz er, 'Peter". I would say that, to your face.

Maybe you should think your replies thru really well before you make them. because someone like me can come along and own you and check you with ease like I have here? it makes you look like a moron.. You like looking like a moron?

You need those 'chirping' fans because they're the ones you want watching your product. So you have to take them saying what they want, how they want.. You can't have it where they watch but yet won't state what they feel.. You can't, have it both ways.. Let that sink in.

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