Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Amateur Night At The Something To Wrestle With Channel Again (Yes, they indeed are, this f'n stupid)

Dead silence.. That's what you get on a very recent upload of a clip from Something To Wrestle With w/ Bruce Prichard.. TEN MINUTES of nothing.. But dead silence.. THIS is how fucking 'professional' these ass clowns are. Apparently nobody seems smart enough to actually CHECK and see, if there's any sound as they're uploading this stuff. God forbid someone were to do that, right? NNAAA, fuck it.. Just throw it up willy- nilly, who cares if there's TEN FUCKING MINUTES OF DEAD SILENCE on it, right?

Fucking morons.

But here it is, proof is a mother fucker and since I'm always the mother fucker who has the proof. I'll show you.

This is the clip..

For the first ten minutes you get nothing.. Zero, zip and nada fucking thing.. True top notch, five star professionalism at its best, LMAO!

Here's the link where you can experience it and see what dumb fucks they are..

And yes, yours truly went ahead and smacked them as well in a reply about it.

You can't make this kind of dumb shit up. Dumb fucks doing this kind of stupid shit, make it real easy to write stories like this. So maybe I should be thanking them... For being this stupid.

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