Monday, November 4, 2019

Hugo Savinovich Continues To Say That There's More To WWE Talent Being Stranded In Saudi Arabia

Statements from WWE talent and other people close to the situation in Saudi Arabia continue emerging after reports claimed people from the company were stranded in Saudi Arabia following their Crown Jewel event this past weekend.
As seen above via THE HANNIBAL TV, former WWE Spanish commentator, Hugo Savinovich, has continued to speak out about his claim that WWE stars were kept from flying out of the Middle East because the company was owed millions of dollars for two of the shows that the company held in Saudi Arabia.
"It was a very difficult and dangerous situation because of the fact that Saudi Arabia had already been in serious trouble when they killed that reporter in Turkey at the embassy. So the boys were a little bit - not a little bit, they were very, very concerned," Hugo added. "Vince (McMahon) had left the country already and Brock (Lesnar) had his own plane. It was just about big, big money, millions of dollars that this guy did not send and Vince got upset and cut the feed for South Arabia.
"And that has the Prince upset, and it stopped them from leaving the country and got them off the plane," Hugo continued. "So basically what they're doing is they're originally trying to make it look like it was just a mechanical situation, but an executive from the company - well, my wife had died, so they were just calling to comfort me. At the same time, I was told not to mention any names but they were concerned, they were very concerned."
Hugo even went as far as to say that the WWE superstars were "kidnapped" while waiting to exit Saudi Arabia. He affirmed that the talent is indeed upset about what transpired and there will be more people speaking out about the matter.
"A friend of mine that is from Saudi Arabia, that I've known for years and years since the era of VHS tapes that I used to do from Puerto Rico, he also gave me the scoop about what happened at the airport," Hugo explained. "So a lot of people will be talking more about it. The boys are very upset, so I don't know what the deal is."
"Of course, we always know that money talks. And if Vince gets the millions of dollars, and maybe the Middle East - that big TV contract, because it didn't happen and in one day he lost over 200 million dollars (in stock value). So, it's a very complicated situation but the talent was, you know, I don't want to use the word kidnapped but he ordered a kidnapping and the guys were stopped from leaving the country."
As noted, AJ Styles recently appeared on the video game streaming service, Mixer, and shed some light on the events that transpired when the company was attempting to leave the Middle East this past weekend.
"What was the problem? Not really sure - heard there was a fuel truck in the way and the guy who drove the truck had left to go home. I know, this makes no sense. Why would the fuel guy leave if he knows he's got a plane that's leaving? Then there were some paperwork issues. Finally, after at least 4-5 hours, we get on the plane. Then they found something wrong, the fuel or something or another was broken. People can say what they want, 'It wasn't broken.'
"But I talked to the pilot. On that 14-hour flight the pilots, I guess they take naps as well. We were all chatting, sitting around on this flight and he said, 'Listen, there was a problem. That's a real thing'... Were there guns? Were there people yelling 'EVERYBODY OFF THE PLANE!'? No, that never happened," Styles continued. "My wife called me in a panic, she's scared to death. I go, 'Babe, listen, we're just not able to go anywhere. It is not a big issue, nobody has threatened to kill us.' There was none of that going on. Nobody was going to get murdered, it never happened."

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