Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Update On Jeff Hardy's Arrest For DUI (Updated)

It's been confirmed that WWE star Jeff Hardy is slated for a court hearing on Thursday 11/7 to face charges of Driving While Impaired,

Hardy has also had his driver's license revoked for at least 30 days pending his hearing.

WWE star Jeff Hardy was arrested the evening of Thursday 10/3 in Moore County, North Carolina.

Hardy has been out of action due to a leg injury for some time but is slated to appear at the November 3rd ringside Fest event in New York City.

TMZ.com was able to acquire a copy of Jeff Hardy's arrest report from his Driving While Impaired arrest on Thursday 10/3.
The police report notes that authorities received a tip about a careless driver around 8:40 PM.

Authorities located the car in front of a liquor store.  Hardy emerged carrying a case of beer.  Authorities followed the car and pulled him over when they "observed him weaving badly in his lane."

Hardy had "what seemed to be dried blood on his nose" and advisors officers that he and his wife "got into a fight."
The police report states that Hardy admitted to having two shots of vodka and admitted to being impaired. 

 He failed a field sobriety test and according to TMZ was "was uncooperative when asked for a breathalyzer or blood sample."  A judge signed off on a search warrant, allowing officers to extract a blood sample from Hardy, which was done after Emergency Medical Services arrived on the scene.

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