Saturday, October 19, 2019

Poor Bryan Alvarez, He Don't Like Seeing Meltzer Get Slammed LMAO!

That's right. Dave Meltzer's right hand man pl Bryanboy Alvarez, when someone on Twitter showed him my story where I openly stated and proved that Meltzer can't post a link correctly if his life depended on it.. ol Bryan turns into a little bitchboy and has to block like a little bitchnoy, aaahahahahahahaha..

Here's the story I did yesterday on Meltzer, the proof is right there he can't post a link right (which isn't the first time he's been busted on that).

And THIS.. Is ol Bryan da Bitchboy after someone showed him the story..Instead of just admitting that someone should show Meltzer how to do it correctly, Bryan turns into a bitch and blocks.

What's the matter Bryan, huh? Can't handle the fact your boy Meltzer is an idiot? Like I said this isn't the first time.. I have proof and since proof is a mother fucker? let me be the mother fucker who shows you the proof.

There's this...

Then there's this.

Let's not forget this either..

And of course there's this one.. And Meltzer blocked me after seeing that story, LMAO. Guess he can't help it he's a dumb ass.

Oh yes, yes yes yes.. here's yet another one.. (see a pattern here? LMAO!)

Oh gee, not another one...LOL.

And finally, there's this one too.

Yeah Bryan, Your boy Meltzer is a complete dumb fuck..

Instead of being a bitch ass and blocking someone for showing you my story which spoke the truth (Truth your fragile little ego couldn't handle) Why not actually teach Meltzer how to put a link on his own web site correctly? That too much of a challenge for you?LOL

Nice to see Alvarez showed his true colors and showed he's nothing but a little bitch who can't handle the truth, LMAO.

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