Wednesday, September 25, 2019

THIS.. Is What Happens When You Have A Working Agreement With The WWE

Southside Wrestling announced that WWE has pulled all of its NXT UK talent from their farewell show on October 26. Revolution Pro Wrestling is taking over Southside operations starting on October 28.

And if that wasn't bad enough, here's this one.. 

wXw announced that WALTER won’t be appearing at Sunday’s World Tag Team Festival event due to a scheduling conflict. It was noted that Ilja Dragunov will still be on the show.

SO.. Here's the 'genius' of the WWE, showing how fucking stupid they are.. WxW has a show called The World tag team festival, one of the main tag teams that's been most hyped for this show (and I've seen the hype on it) IS WALTER and Ilja Dragunov... So in some 'brilliant, brainfart moment' the WWE decides to only pull ONE MEMBER of the stated most hyped tag team? WHAT THE FUCK are WxW supposed to do with just ONE MEMBER of this team now? It defeats the whole fucking purpose of even HAVING them there if the WWE is gonna pull only ONE MEMBER, and leave the other one there. 

Someone besides me does realize this makes WWE look stupid as hell, right? If you're gonna pull one, why not pull both Especially when the show you're pulling that one member of a tag team from is a TAG TEAM FESTIVAL.. DUH! Dumb ass.. 

I guess I'd be the only one with the balls (cause I've always been 'that guy') to call WWE on this and say "Let's see this alleged 'scheduling conflict', and then ask "why is it suddenly NOW, a scheduling conflict, when it wasn't when you first agreed to let them BOTH, appear on the show? I'd be asking for proof, PROVE there's an actual REAL conflict.. Show me proof and I bet, WWE would just show excuses. 

I went thru this bullshit when I worked for WWA New England in 1998. I had a show i was locally promoting for WWA NE that had the WWF's Training Dojo on it.. And two people on the dojo (Al Snow and Jim Cornette) were pulled from the show i was locally promoting, BUT.. Were going to appear on the WWA NE's show THE NEXT NIGHT in Milford, Mass. We had the posters, the flyers with their names on it so when i heard they were pulled (day of the show no less) I had WWA NE owner Fred Sparta get on the phone with who he dealt with at WWF.. (Howard Finkel).. Took me 15 minutes of nonstop bitching and swearing to get Fred to do it but a threat of him never having another show in NH (Cause I said I'd quit and get a gig with another New England indie group and have them bring shows up here) to get Finkel on the phone..

Finkel asked who I was and I said "I'm the mother fucker who got this show together here in Farmington, NH, mother fucker, and I want to see proof that Snow and Cornette are allegedly 'double booked' and are in Nashville tonight". I said "I have people who bought tickets so they could see Cornette and Snow and if you pulled them, I want to provide proof to the reason you're giving, so fax me, or email me the fucking proof, cause I'm calling bullshit on this".

Funny how that proof never came.. Alot of excuses came though, but never did any proof to their excuse ever materialize.. Imagine that.

So yeah, If I was working for WxW I'd be asking for some proof. And calling bullshit on the WWE. Because if this.. is the kind of shit you get thanks to having a working agreement with them? I'd be wanting to leave that agreement, telling the WWE "See ya, this agreement isn't, 'working' with us, anymore".

In the end what the WWE did was indeed, a bitch move on their part. 

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