Monday, September 23, 2019

The "Silliness" That Has Plagued Impact Continues With.. WEDDING ON IMPACT WRESTLING THIS FRIDAY NIGHT

So much for Don Callis's claim that he was gonna "get rid of the Silliness that has plagued Impact for years".. Proving oncxe again what I've said for months.. How can you get rid of it if you're the one booking and writing the silliness? HHMMMM.. (Also funny how every time Callis is asked about this he avoids answering it... HHMMMM)

Anyway for the three people who may care..

Scheduled for Friday's Impact on The channel nobody can seem to get, Pursuit..
The wedding of Imact Champ Brian Cage and Melissa Santos (yawn, rolls eyes) So expect some sort of big 'EXCITING' angle (yeah right) to come from this..

Tesa Blanchard vs Dave Crist (bout the only thing good about Impact is Tessa)

Madison Rayne vs Tenille Dashwood (Bet they won't acknowledge Madison recently losing in OVW)

Cousin Jake vs Mahabi9 Shera

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