Monday, September 23, 2019


The Daily Beast in Great Britain featured a long piece by Keith Elliot Greenberg, who has written for and about WWE for many years, including several official WWE books, about the passing of Brian "Grandmaster Sexay" Lawler while incarcerated.  The piece features interviews with Jerry Lawler and Brian's brother Kevin.and covers Lawler's ongoing lawsuit as well.

It's Interesting to note it is reported in the piece that the night Brian Lawler was arrested for DUI, he had a zero blood alcohol level after offering to take a breathalyzer, allegedly making a deal with the arresting officer that if he hit a zero, he would not be arrested.  The police report stated that Brian blew a .000 per 210 litres of breath.   The officer arrested him anyway.  Lawler was followed home as he crossed over the yellow lines while making a turn, which he later claimed was because he used his knee to control the steering wheel.  

“Technically, he never should have been [in jail],” Kevin Lawler said.  “It’s like The Dukes of Hazzard.  The cops see him constantly getting out of stuff, and they’re looking to put him away.

The article also noted that Jerry Lawler was prepared to bond his son out, but Hardeman County Sheriff John Doolen had convinced him that the best course of action was to leave Brian incarcerated as he'd likely end up with a 90 day jail sentence and he'd be credited for time served - and while being incarcerated, he could receive treatment for drug and alcohol issues, which according to Jerry Lawler never happened.  It was also noted that while he was incarcerated, Christopher was only given aspirin and his medication for depression, forced off his other prescribed medications cold turkey, going into withdrawals and dealing with pain issues.

The day of Brian Lawler's passing, he got into a fight with another inmate.  According to the article, the fight was over Lwler being loud while playing cards.  He got into the argument with the other inmate and the other inmate, Tommarian Williams, yelled for Lawler to stop.  Lawler did and went to pull up his prison-issue pants, which had slipped down but Williams allegedly struck him in the face when Lawler had his head down.  Lawler demanded to be taken to a plastic surgeon in an ER but was told it was Saturday and he would have to wait until Monday by a nurse working at the jail. 

“That is not a decision that should be made by an LPN,”  Jerry Lawler's lawyer, Jeffrey S.Rosenblum said.  “She should have called a doctor or advanced practice nurse, described the wound and mentioned that he wanted stitches. But he was told, ‘It’s Saturday. You’ll have to wait until Monday.’  He was put in a solitary confinement cell without evaluating him for suicide risk.”

Lawler was given a band-aid for his wound and moved to a solitary cell, but did not have his shoelaces removed.  The cell featured bolts on the wall, which allowed Lawler to allegedly hang himself, something that his father has gone back and forth on whether he actually believes happened.

As previously reported, a big part of the lawsuit Jerry Lawler and Brian's estate has filed is over the fact that Brian had told officials at the jail that he had previously tried to commit suicide, but since it was several years before, it was not recorded in the computers and allegedly, they did not take the proper course of action to prevent him from being in a situation where he could harm himself.    The article also alleges that one of the guards saw Brian standing with a towel over his head on a bench in his cell and ignored him, instead throwing garbage out, and when he returned to the cell later, realized something was wrong.  The allegation is made that had the guard immediately checked on Brian Lawler, he may have prevented him from taking his own life.  

After Brian Lawler's death, Jerry Lawler texted a photo of his son's body to Sheriff John Doolen.

“I told him, ‘I trusted you and believed you when you told me my son would be safe in your jail, and now, he’s dead,’” Lawler said.  “Doolen texted back, ‘I’m sorry for your loss.’”

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