Saturday, July 6, 2019

Jon Moxley Talks Speaking Out Against WWE Creative

Since leaving WWE, Jon Moxley has already claimed the IWGP United States titleentered into the G1 tournament and become a major player in AEW. Moxley took time to sit down with the Store Horseman and discussed his thoughts on WWE and the catharsis he felt speaking about those problems.
"The only problem I really had with anybody was Vince," Moxley stated. "That's not even an actual problem, if he called me and asked what I'm doing and how it's going, I'd be like what's up man, it would be cool, we have never had a conversation that didn't involve wrestling. It's just creatively we stopped speaking the same language. Creative problems are not life and death problems."
Moxley detailed his problems with WWE creative last month on Chris Jericho's podcast, Talk Is Jericho. Despite Moxley being cool with WWE, he understands that some talent may not feel that way. His former Shield partner Seth Rollins recently said that it was a "little presumptuous" of Moxley to bash the company that "gave him such an opportunity." Regardless, Moxley feels it was healing for him to address the issues.
"I'm sure I'm persona non grata there," Moxley guessed. "For me, the fog is continuously being lifted, I realize how unhappy I was, how much it affected me. I found pro wrestling again, even when I did the podcast, it had been months of me being silent. People telling me about my career, it was frustrating hearing everyone talk about you when they don't know what the f--k they are talking about. I could never replicate that podcast."
Moxley said the down feelings were feelings he did not even recognize he had while in WWE. He also offered advice for people going through a similar situation.
"It's all in hindsight," said Moxley "In the moment it just felt good to get out. It wasn't even real to me. I was just like everything is good, punching the clock, working 9 to 5, living the dream. Once I said it out loud, it became real, but it is all good now. My advice for anyone is if you can identify that, don't be afraid to identify that and don't be afraid to be just honest with the situation. It can only get better from there. Keeping it to yourself just exasperates the problem."
The full interview is here.

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