Saturday, July 13, 2019

JEFF HARDY ARRESTED.. WWE Statement On Arrest As Well

WWE star Jeff Hardy, 41, was arrested  this morning in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina for public intoxication and impairment.  

Hardy was taken into custody near 1600 North Ocean Boulevard, which is the address of Ocean Enclave by Hilton Grand Vacation.    Myrtle Beach PD has the arrest listed as taking place at 11:30 AM this morning.

Under South Carolina law, public disorderly conduct is a misdemeanor.  It carries a fine of not more than $100 and a jail term of not more than 30 days.

Hardy is not currently in custody.  He has already been released on $153.00 bond and is slated for a hearing on Monday 7/22.

Hardy has been out of action following a knee surgery earlier this year. was the first to report the news of Hardy's arrest.

WWE issued the following statement in regard to Jeff Hardy's arrest this morning: "Jeff Hardy is responsible for his own personal actions."

In regard to Hardy's arrest this morning, we are told by someone familiar with the Myrtle Beach Police department that the $153 Hardy paid is the fine for first time offenders in Myrtle Beach. Hardy won't be required to appear in court if he doesn't wish to contest the charge.  The arrest won't hurt his ability to appear in South Carolina and locally, is seen as similar to a parking ticket and since he's paid the fine, that's likely the end of the situation unless Hardy wishes to argue the charge.  

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