Monday, June 17, 2019

Sami Callihan Gone, Savio Vega Coming in And MLW'S Return To Chicago.

It was announced on this week's MLW TV that Savio Vega will be coming in. That has been planned as far back as April and the original plan was for him to debut in the Battle Riot match, but the schedules didn't synch up.  The idea is to have him work in a role similar to the one Dave Finlay had with WWE years ago, as a player/coach who helps mentor talent while working with them in the ring.  With so many talents who are relatively young and inexperienced in the company, the feeling is that some of them need help with  working the crowds, getting heat and controlling it, physicality in the ring, brawling etc. Savio has always gotten high marks as an agent/producer and MLW has been very happy with how the series has been received in Puerto Rico, so this is a natural extension as well.  

After losing a Loser Leaves Town match on the most recent MLW Fusion TV over the weekend, Sami Callihan is done with the company.  This was a change in plans as the original idea was for Callihan to return under a mask basically doing a "Midnight Rider" like storyline.  One story making the rounds is that Callihan caused damage to the venue at the Waukesha, Wisconsin venue during his brawl with Mance Werner, which went all over the place and was damn entertaining.  Callihan was seen earlier in the episode kicking at a door into the venue, which MLW wasn't happy about after the fact.

When Konnan returns to MLW TV, the current plan is for him to work as a manager and not wrestle inside the ring.  He'll continue to be extremely important behind the scenes.

Advertised for the promotion's return to Chicago on 7/6 are MLW Champion Tom Lawlor vs. Jacob Fatu, LA Park & Hijo del LA Park vs. Dr. Wagner Jr. & Hijo del Dr. Wagner, plus MLW Tag Team Champions The Hart Foundation, CONTRA Unit, MLW National Openweight Champion Alex Hammerstone, Low Ki, Salina de la Renta, MJF, Richard Holliday, Rey Horus, Mance Warner, Gringo Loco, Myron Reed, Ace Austin, and Ariel Dominguez, among others. For ticket information, visit

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