Monday, June 10, 2019

Impact Wrestling Notes

The St. James event had in the 400-500 range. Which if this is to be perceived as a 'national promotion'? Then attendance like this shows how far down the scale they have fallen. With the rental of the building, paying the talent, etc etc. You have to wonder how in the world they made a profit off it.

There was a lot of hustling yesterday afternoon before the Digital Destruction event as nothing was set up two hours before they were set to go on the air on Twitch.  It turned out that the Sports Arena in St. James, New York had double booked the venue and the ring could not be set up until a scheduled soccer game ended.  Shane O’Neil from New York Wrestling Connection and his team pitched in to help and everything was set up by 4:39, just 19 minutes before they had to go on the air.  Had they run late with the ring, the plan was to start streaming live with a pre-show featuring talents and the announcers talking to stall until the ring was ready. HHMM, you'd think you'd know ahead of time whether a venue you booked had been double booked or not. But I guess among other things at Impact Wrestling,  things like logic and common sense doesn't seem to exist there. 

There was a lot of talk online about the fan who was thrown out of the Philadelphia event, who was so belligerent in yelling at Taya Valkyrie that Tommy Dreamer actually addressed him from the ring mic.  There was video footage of the fan spitting at Taya’s back after she knocked a beer out of his hands.  That led to some fans blaming Taya for the situation, but having been there, she was certainly not in the wrong as the fan had been acting out all night before the main event.  The fan was finally removed when a security guard approached him and he responded by arguing with the guard, at which point security removed him.  There was a lot of talk after that had Atlas Security been there, it never would have taken to the main event for the fan to be tossed.

Impact had to toss another fan out of their second NYC taping for harassing Don Callis repeatedly, who was also tossed after repeatedly being warned.

I myself will be writing an article about these kind of 'incidents' as nobody.. Not Meltzer, not Keller, Not Scherer, nobody has seen (or wants to see apparently) what I've seen, remembered growing up and experienced personally as a fan and working for three different indy companies. I of course will have the opinion that most fans and marks may not want to see but.. Someone has to step up and since nobody else will.. Yours truly will and will have it up later today.

The Great Muta signed before St. James but did not appear in the ring. Which seems to be a waste cause he could've been an added plus in the ring that Impact does need. 

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