Sunday, February 3, 2019


The 4/27 Crockett Cup event in Concord, NC will officially go on sale this Friday.  Teams already set for the tournament are The War Kings (Jax Dane and Crimson) and Villian Enterprises' Brody King and PCO.

NWA Champion Nick Aldis will defend the title against Leland Race for Harley Race’s World League Wrestling in Moscow Hills, Missouri on 3/9. 

NWA National Champion Willie Mack will be working this weekend's Ring of Honor events in Lakeland and Miami, Florida.

Aldis appeared on the Two Man Power Trip Podcast and discussed the importance of being the NWA Champion, commenting, “If like me you are a student of the game and you study the history of the business you understand the significance of  the ten pounds of gold, the NWA World Championship. You see the people that have held it and you appreciate the fact that it is the same belt and you are a part of that lineage and that is never something I am not going to take pride in. I'm sure Cody would tell you the same thing if you asked him and almost everyone else who has held it. That is sort of the fundamental answer but the other part of it is that it has been very rewarding to be part of something that was absolutely a start up from the very beginning and pretty much from day one.  I was the first guy on the ship and that is a cool feeling because my personal journey was the journey of the actual title and to say that pretty much it was on life support in 2017 and to get to All In on September 1st and in just a little over a year be in pretty much the most talked about match of the year and certainly the best built match and certainly in terms of the emotional response it would be hard pressed to find anything that tops that match and the way we did everything. In many ways it is sort of like a validation of me because I proved that when I was allowed to do things my way I could make this work and I could make it really important and make it mean something. I think the business is about moments. I don't care as much about having a great match as I do having a great moment. Ultimately when you look back at the history of the business financially and from a sentimental point of view it is the moments you remember. You remember Hogan slamming Andre, you remember Rock and Hogan staring down face to face or Steve Austin driving the beer truck and it is the moments. You don't remember every single moment of the match and every single spot, every single headlock, every single armdrag. You remember the moments and that is what I got in the business to do and it was nice to be able to prove that when I was allowed to trust my instincts and do it exactly my way.

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