Thursday, January 17, 2019

PWInsider & WWE Get Fact Checked, Again On "Hidden Gem" That isn't "Hidden"

Since nobody at PWInsider or WWE feels the need to actually do some research when it comes to 'hidden gems' that are, I 'guess'. HIDING OUT IN PLAIN SIGHT ON YOUTUBE... And since no other wrestling news site has the balls to do this, it'll always be left up to me to do, what the other news sites are too chicken shit to do. Fact check.

So once again Paul Jordan, noted columnist at PWInsider has again made himself look like an idiot. Here's his post.

This is just sssoooo 'well hidden' that one search on YouTube? And OOHH MY MY, what do you get? HHMMM Look at this.

The very same ahem (cough cough) 'Hidden Gem' that's been on YouTube for three years now.. That's right, three... Years...

Someday, Research will become PWInsider's and WWE's friend, they desperately need to do it, OOORR. Just continue to look stupid thanks to me by not doing it, their choice really. 

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