Thursday, January 17, 2019

Independent wrestler Rex Bacchus dead at age 35

Independent wrestler Rex Bacchus died on Thursday morning at age 35 following a bout with cancer. Team Vision Dojo issued the following statement on his passing:
“Independent wrestler Rex Bacchus has unfortunately lost his fight with cancer this morning around 5/6am. Rex started training training at the Team Vision Dojo at the beginning of 2015 and took right to the sport in all aspects. He was one of the hardest workers inside and outside of the ring. Rex has been battling with cancer for sometime now. Things looked good when it went into remission but the cancer came back. He had been fighting and multiple benefit shows we’re going on to help him. Last month, Rex wrestled last match in the main event of a benefit event and beat “Cancer” in a Death Match. Unfortunately, he lost the last fight but was in a comfortable place in his home with loved ones.
“Rex debuted at the Dojo on June 9, 2015 winning a multi-man tag team match. In his 3 1/2 years in the ring, Rex wrestled more than 200 matches, won multiple championships, and recently appeared wrestling on MLW. You will be missed greatly and always very much loved.”

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