Monday, January 21, 2019

Mat Memory- Chicago Blast from Past 17 (Matches From Windy City Wrestling 1992)

On this episode, we jump all the way back to 1992 and Windy City Pro Wrestling from the International Amphitheater in Chicago. In the first match, we get to see The Zebra Kid take on the very popular Sonny Rogers. The second match up includes "Mr. Electricity" Steve Regal take on Hawkeye Cody Hunter. Windy City Pro Wrestling at the time was the only major Independent promotion in the Chicago area. Since then Windy City closed it doors in the late 2000's and was labeled as one of the longest running promotions. Windy City has trained such talents as " The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels and others that have been very successful in running other Independent promotions in the Chicago area.

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