Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Edge & Christian On Why AEW Double Or Nothing Might Have Harder Time Selling Out, WWE In 10 Years

WWE Legends Edge and Christian recently conducted a fan Q&A session on E&C's Pod Of Awesomeness. Among many other things, the former world champions talked about the chances of AEW's Double Or Nothing event selling out and what professional wrestling promotion will be the industry leader in 10 years.
On the subject of AEW's Double Or Nothing, emanating from Las Vegas, Nevada's MGM Grand Garden Arena on May 25, 2019, Christian predicted that the show will sell out.
"I think they will [sell it out]," Christian professed. "I mean, I think they proved they could do it with ALL IN. I think they've stumbled… not stumbled… worked hard for this and I think there's definitely an interest."
Conversely, Edge suggested that ALL IN had the benefit of being hosted in a smaller venue and taking place in the Chicagoland area, known for being ravenous for pro wrestling.
"The only reason I say that with a question mark is because ALL IN was in Chicago [Illinois], which is a [pro] wrestling stronghold," Edge explained. "Yeah, [Las] Vegas is just a little bit different. That's the only reason I question it. And it's a bigger arena. I think they ran a 10,000 seater the last time. This is 17,000+. I hope they do. I really do. And the Jacksons and Cody, The [Young] Bucks and Cody, I love the fact that even if they didn't have this vision from the beginning, they realized to shoot for the stars and give this a try. And then, they run into financial folks like we talked about that are willing to do this with the Khans. It's exciting!"
Edge went on to say that adding AEW to the mix of major pro wrestling promotions is good for the ecosystem of the genre, as monopolies, homogeneity, is always negative.
"Anytime there's a monopoly in anything, I never think it's good," Edge said. "So to see the New Japans, and the Ring Of Honors, and the Impacts, and now the AEWs of the world are either still trying to begin or have already been around. So it's good."
When asked which pro wrestling promotion will be at the top of the mountain in 10 years, Edge predicted WWE would be the leader of the pack, even if WWE Chairman Vince McMahon is no longer part of the equation.  
"I mean, WWE [will be number one in 10 years]," Edge declared. "Even if, heaven forbid, something happens to Vince, it's still going to be WWE. I don't think that much can change in 10 years. I don't. That's not to say I don't think there will be other viable and possibly thriving places for people to work, which is great, but I mean, if you're looking at the top of the food chain, I don't think that's going to change."
Christian agreed.
"I think it pretty much goes without saying," Christian laughed. "Yeah, I echo [Edge's] statements."

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