Sunday, December 16, 2018

WWE To Add Matches To Their Network Already Available On YouTube (They Never Learn, Do They, LOL)

They never learn that research someday will be their friend. :) Here's proof AGAIN, of how fucking stupid they are.

So before WWE 'adds' this to their network, go here on YouTube and see it now. It's only been available on YouTube for THREE YEARS, LMAO!

Oh wait, There's another one.. UUHH OOHHH, what's, THIS!?

Damn, that's gotta sting, eh? Adding something that's already available on YouTube? MMM, MMMM, MMMMMM. Here's the link to this match That's been on YouTube for TWO FUCKING YEARS!

WWE micromanages everything but contin ues to loki like dumb fucks when it comes to this. You can go ahead and thank me now for showing you this. NO OTHER Wrestling news site will. They just, don't have the balls to. :)

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