Saturday, December 29, 2018

Spoiling The Fun of WWE's 'Soon To be Added... Ahem (Cough Cough) Hidden Gems' Again

Once again thanks to Paul Jordan at PWInsider for not being smart enough to actually RESEARCH and see if any of these matches are already on YouTube. His lack of research, or laziness on his part shows why I'm the better journalist here, and why he's just a fucking idiot.

So let's break this down because as you'll see. WWE doesn't do research and comes out looking stupid on this, AGAIN. And Paul Jordan? Well as i said, he's a fucking moron.

There's Jordan's announcement, and what happens when you click on THIS LINK, RIGHT HERE?  UUHH OOHHH, UUUHHHH OOOHHH, you get THIS SAME MATCH, As announced above, see?
This match has been on YouTube for SIX FUCKING YEARS! And WWE is gonna try and claim it's a 'Hidden gem'? AAHHHHAHAHAHAHAAHA! This even has Eric Bischoff doing the intro to the video, so how stupid does WWE look now? VERY STUPID.

OOOHHH but wait, wait wait, wwaaiittt. There's more.

Greg Gagne & Jerry Lawler vs Riki Choshu and Mr. Saito? OOHH you mean, THIS MATCH... between Gagne & Lawler vs Choshu & Saito?

DDAAMMN, how did that get there, if it's supposed to be a 'Hidden Gem" later this week? LMAO! "Hidden Gem" that's already been on YouTube for TWO FUCKING YEARS!!! LMAO!

Yep, WWE is SSUURREE 'on the ball' here, let me tell you, LOL.

OOHH but wait, we have more, of course we have more. (smiles).

WCW Power Hour 09/01/1989 – Muta in the Mist
The rivalry between WWE Hall of Famer Sting and Japanese legend the Great Muta reaches a fever pitch in the summer of 1989.

Well shucky darn look what's already been on YouTube for FOUR YEARS now, THIS (cough cough... Cough) "Hidden Gem.
MMMM, MMMMM, MMMMMMMMMM.. This announcement by WWE sure doesn't look all that Blockbuster now, does it, LMAO!

(Sighs) yes there is.. ANOTHER ONE. Shinjiro Otani vs Dean Malenko? From WCW Worldwide 05/18/1996? 

Well I'l be damned, LOOK what we have here. WWE can't even get the dates right for it. Each listing in that pic above? Is THE SAME MATCH!!!

You can thank me now for being the ONLY WRESTLING JOURNALIST who has the balls to bust out the WWE and another Wrestling journalist on their freaking laziness to do research. Because how, how is it these can be considered 'hidden gems' when they've been on YouTube for years?

Funny how the WWE doesn't seem to have an answer to that, imagine that. 


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